Joy of little flowers
Doing daily `Nitya Karmas` (duties) is of paramount importance for a devotee. `Nitya Aaradhana` is performing daily aaradhana to Sriman Narayana. Calling myself, a devotee to Narayana is blatant and pompous because for a true devotee, `bhakti` (devotion) flows like liquid with laminar flow, whereas my `bhakti` is erratic and menial. I always dream of becoming like Prahalad, NamAzhwar, Yamunacharya, Ramanujacharya, Vedanta Desika who worshipped him with `trikarana suddhi` (thoughts, words, and deeds) in all three ways (Karma, Gnyana, and Bhakti yoga). But even they proclaim how too untidy they are to worship blemishless and pristine Lord Vishnu. Yamunacharya in his heart ravishing, `Stotra Ratnam` says, न धर्मनिष्ठोऽस्मि न चात्मवेदि न भक्तिमान् त्वच्चरणारविन्दे । अकिञ्चनोऽनन्यगतिः शरण्य त्वतपादमूलं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ 22 "Oh You worthy of being sought as refuge! I am not one established in Dharma, nor am I a knower of the self. I have no fervent devotion to Your Lotus-feet. Utterly d...